Get the Facts on Carbs

With all the hoopla and confusion over the years about carbohydrates, I want to give you my perception on good carbs vs. bad carbs, low carbs, and all the other carbohydrate bull that is out there.

Just so you know, I am not a low carb diet nut but, I know that one of the main reasons so many people are struggling to get rid of fat, is that they are overeating processed carbs which include but are not limited to:

  • pastas
  • white rice
  • sweetened cereals and yes that means your favorite captain crunch
  • breads that are made from refined wheat
  • soda
  • juice loaded with sugar and high fructose corn syrup
  • processed snacks including your ding dongs and twinkies
  • crackers
It is extremely difficult to lose fat if you're over-eating these types of carbs. In addition to causing blood sugar swings and insulin surges, they also promote direct body fat deposits. The more you eat of these carbs, the more you want.

There are sources of carbs that you may think are healthy, but are in reality just extra calories that don't give you much nutrient density. Many types of bread and cereals appear to be made with whole grains but, in reality the first ingredient in them is refined flour. Refined flour shoots your blood sugar through the ceiling.

Here are some helpful guidelines that you can follow to help keep your sugar and your cravings in check.

1. Cut back on grain-based carbs such as (cereal, pasta, rice, crackers,) and choose more healthy grass-fed and free-range meats and eggs, grass-fed raw dairy, and lots of fruits and vegetables.

2. Focus on getting most of your carbs from vegetables, and a variety of whole fruits and berries. Fruit juice is not whole unless you make it yourself. Most of the important fiber has been removed from the juice.

3.  Choose oat brans, wheat germ, and rice bran to add to healthy foods such as yogurt, or add it to foods you are cooking. This gets you the fiber without all the extra non essential starches.

4. Eat nuts, seeds, and avocados to replace all the breads and pastas that you were used to eating. This will fill the void and control blood sugar. You can also include sweet potatoes. They are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and lots of minerals.

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